Begin hands at sides, feet together facing north. Bow.
Saiuchin bow: Left hand chest high palm toward you, back of right fist against left palm. Rotate inward at elbows lowering hands to obi height.
Maintain hand alignment and raise again to chest height, raise right foot to rest against left knee.
Step out into horse stance facing north while executing a ‘hidden punch’ toward the north at groin height.
Cross arms above head (left arm to rear) and execute downward block to the west, turning head west as you do, but keep body facing north.
Maintain foot position and posture but turn upper body west while executing right hand reverse punch towards the west.
Step forward with left foot into front stance towards north, executing crossed arms overhead into downward block with left arm. Right arm in chamber.
Right hand reverse punch to north.
Step right foot in front of left, bringing right hand palm open to left side of face.
Step with left foot to right side of right foot, toes to the floor and execute a right knife hand block to north.
Grab opponent's obi with left hand while bringing right open hand halfway back to chamber.
Pull in with left fist and execute right reverse punch to opponent's head.
Turn south stepping with left foot into front stance while crossing arms overhead (left to rear) and executing downward block with left fist to the south.
Reverse punch with right hand to south.
Step right foot in front of left, bringing right hand palm open to left side of face.
Step with left foot to right side of right foot, toes to the floor and execute a right knife hand block to south.
Grab opponent's obi with left hand while bringing right open hand halfway back to chamber.
Pull in with left fist and execute right reverse punch to opponent's head.
Turn to north stepping into a front stance with left foot while executing left knife hand to the head.
Right leg crescent kick to the north hitting left hand and stepping into horse stance, body facing west, head looking north.
As you come down into above horse stance, throw right elbow strike hitting left hand which is still outstretched.
Fade back (lean back) executing an exaggerated right hand downward block to the north. Snap hip in rotation along with left chamber.
Center weight again in horse stance and perform double grab to the north. Right hand grabs opponent's obi, left hand grabs gi near collar.
Move right leg in a low crescent, bringing arms in a crescent also while lifting opponent's body, stepping 180o into a horse stance facing east and slamming opponent's body to the ground, chambering left hand and punching downward with right, looking down. Keai point.
Catch to the right side (right hand open palm up next to belt on right side of body, left fist vertical on top of right palm, like a teacup).
Place left foot behind and to the right of right foot, then pivot 180o into a left front stance facing west, executing left knife hand block.
Right knee to opponent's mid-section, step back into left front stance facing west.
Right hand reverse punch.
Catch to the left side (teacup on left hip).
Bring right foot along same horizontal line to the left of your left foot. Pivot 180o ending up in a front stance, left leg to the rear facing east. Execute right knife hand block.
Left knee to opponent's mid-section, step back into right front stance facing east.
Left hand reverse punch.
Step back bringing right foot next to left and pivot 90o left, facing north with feet together. Bring both hands to chamber.
Step with right foot into front stance facing north, catch to the right (teacup on right side).
Sidekick to the west with left foot, bring foot down in left front stance and catch to the left (teacup on left side).
Sidekick to the east with right foot, bring foot down in right front stance. Right hand open, palm up in outward block position, left hand open, palm down, in downward block position. Still facing north.
Switch arm positions by arcing forearms inward, allowing palms to face each other halfway through arc. Should end up with left palm up in outward block position, right palm down in downward block position.
Switch arm positions again by arcing forearms inward, allowing palms to face each other halfway through arc. Should end up with right palm up in outward block position, left palm down in downward block position.
Step forward (north) with left foot into front stance and switch arm positions once again by arcing inward. Should end up with left palm up in outward block position, right palm down in downward block position.
Switch arm positions by arcing forearms inward, allowing palms to face each other halfway through arc. Should end up with right palm up in outward block position, left palm down in downward block position.
Switch arm positions one last time by arcing forearms inward. Should end up with left palm up in outward block position, right palm down in downward block position.
Step back with left foot into cat stance facing north, right foot forward, while executing a horizontal elbow strike with right elbow. Allow hips to snap as elbow ‘connects’.
Front snap kick with right foot, step down into front stance (right leg forward) and execute double knife hand strike (to both sides). 2nd keai point. Arms should be stretched out to the sides, palms down, fingers pointing east & west respectively.
Arc arms in two wide clockwise motions coming to rest with right palm facing forward in outward block position, left palm facing forward in low block position.
Step back bringing right foot next to left (still facing north), perform Saiuchin bow.
Hands at sides, bow with head forward (north).
Step out with right foot into ready position (feet shoulder width, fists vertical extended forward at belt height).