

    • Hands at sides, facing north. Bow.

    • Empi salutation: right forearm 'hides' belt across waist while right fist lays in left palm which is raised to belt height on left side.

    • Right foot moves to the east (horseback stance distance) as you perform a double punch down to the left and right of your left knee.

    • Come up into a horseback stance facing north with fists in cup-and-saucer position on left side.

    • Right arm performs downward block to the northeast, maintaining foot position but turning torso slightly.

    • Left arm performs hook punch at solar plexus height, right arm back to chamber, torso facing north.

    • C-step forward with left foot into left front stance while performing a downward block toward north with left arm.

    • Throw a rising reverse punch (reverse punch at head height with a rising wrist flip at full extension) to the north with right arm. Left arm back to chamber.

    • Open right hand, palm down, and step high (over an obstacle) with right foot setting it down approx. 2' in front of left foot. Now step left foot behind right (you'll be on left toes) while bringing right palm back to left ear and throw a monkey punch (fist vertical) under right arm with left fist. Steps and punch are to the north.

    • Step back (south) with left foot into a fading back stance (body over bent left leg, right knee is locked straight) with torso facing southwest and perform a downward block to the north over right knee. Right foot should be facing north.

    • Pivot left (southward) and move left foot slightly east into a left front stance facing south while performing a downward block with left arm.

    • Throw a rising reverse punch to the south with right arm. Left arm back to chamber.

    • Open right hand, palm down, and step high (over an obstacle) with right foot setting it down approx. 2' in front of left foot. Now step left foot behind right (you'll be on left toes) while bringing right palm back to left ear and throw a monkey punch (fist vertical) under right arm with left fist. Steps and punch are to the south.

    • Step back (north) with left foot into a fading back stance, torso facing northeast and perform a downward block to the south over right knee. Right foot should be facing south.

    • Pivot left (northward) and move left foot slightly west into a left front stance facing north while performing a downward block with left arm.

    • Step high with left foot into a horse stance facing north (step down like a sumo). While stepping, open left hand and move in a small counter-clockwise circle to end at chest height in centerline of body with palm facing east & fingers pointing up.

    • Stand up on left foot bringing right foot behind left knee as right forearm rises to vertical so that side of right elbow strikes left palm. Quickly place left palm on right side of right elbow so you can cross arms as you bring right arm back to chamber, left palm stays put, and right foot drops back into deep horse stance facing north.

    • Perform reverse punch to north with right fist. Bring left back to chamber.

    • Perform reverse punch to north with left fist. Bring right back to chamber.

    • Shift body east and twist left to land in back stance facing west. Left hand performs shuto block (open palm, block with blade of hand, chest height) toward west.

    • C-step west with right foot into a right back stance, shuto block with right hand. Left hand back to chamber.

    • Move right foot back alongside left then move left out to the west to end in another left back stance. Shuto block with left hand.

    • Allow left foot to shift slightly southward and end in a left front stance as you execute a right reverse punch. 1st keai point.

    • C-step west with right foot into a right back stance, shuto block with right hand. Left hand back to chamber.

    • Pivot left 180o ending in left front stance facing east. Execute downward block over left knee.

    • Throw a rising reverse punch to the east with right arm. Left arm back to chamber.

    • Open right hand, palm down, and step high (over an obstacle) with right foot setting it down approx. 2' in front of left foot. Now step left foot behind right (you'll be on left toes) while bringing right palm back to left ear and throw a monkey punch (fist vertical) under right arm with left fist. Steps and punch are to the east.

    • Step back (west) with left foot into a fading back stance facing east and perform a downward block to the east over right knee. Right foot should be facing east.

    • Open right fist keeping palm perpendicular to forearm and move palm in large clockwise circle, pivoting at elbow, ending with forearm vertical, palm up in front of you.

    • Now open left fist and move left arm in a counter-clockwise circle with palm up while pivoting right arm counter-clockwise at elbow to end in downward block position with palm down. As you move left arm, drag left foot eastward to end next to right foot, keeping knees bent.

    • C-step with right foot into right front stance facing north. Arms perform fan block (right arm in outward block position with palm up, left arm in downward block position with palm down).

    • C-step forward with left foot into left front stance facing north while reversing fan block (rotate forearms at elbow to end with left arm in outward block position, palm up, and right arm in downward block position, palm down).

    • C-step once more with right foot into right front stance facing north while reversing fan block again (right arm up, left hand down).

    • Move right foot westward to stop due north of left foot, in a deep horse stance with body facing west and head to the north. Execute a downward block to the north with right arm (left in chamber).

    • Shuffle both feet (right first) northward, maintaining stance, and execute a high/low grab with left & right hands respectively. This is, in effect, to grab the outstretched bo from your northern opponent's hands.

    • Pushing off with the left foot, you will jump into the air heading southward and spin your body 360

o counter-clockwise. When you'refacing east (halfway around) you will hurl the bo eastward with a

2-handed overhead toss. When you land (a few feet south of your starting position) you should be in a right fading back stance facing north (right knee rigid, weight over left leg) executing a shuto block to the north with your right hand (left in chamber). 2nd keai point.

Step back (southward) with right foot into a left fading back stance facing north. Another shuto block with the left hand this time (right in chamber).

Drag left foot back (south) to meet right and perform empi salutation (right fist in left palm on left side at belt height).

Hands at sides. Bow.