Begin hands at sides, feet together facing north. Bow.
Left hand chest high palm toward you, back of right fist against left palm. Rotate inward at elbows lowering hands and extending out in front of you as you bow again.
Stand erect and bring hands, in same position, in front of obi.
Bring elbows in tight as you raise your hands to chest height again, under tension, inhaling as you do. Left palm can wrap around right fist.
Press hands to obi height again, under tension, exhaling audibly as you do. As you do, pivot on heels so that toes point out at 45o angles (northwest & northeast). At same time, open both palms.
Snap fists up so forearms cross at their midpoint, right arm in front, chest high. As you do, pivot on balls of feet so that heels now point out at 45o angles (southwest & southeast). Knees should be bent.
Stand up into ready position (feet shoulder width, fists vertical extended forward at belt height) by pivoting on heels so that toes point straight ahead (north).
Snap head to the northeast. C-step out with right foot into a right front stance facing north. Right fist against left palm make a wide horizontal clockwise circle under tension ending at right side of belt, with torso facing northeast.
Extend right-fist-in-left-palm to the northeast under tension.
Snap head to the north. Bring left foot up next to right and pivot to face west, maintaining hand position and thrusting right elbow up to your right (north). Head facing north.
Now thrust left elbow to the south at solar plexus height. Head still facing north.
Step back (south) with left foot into a horse stance facing west (but head still facing north). Slip left knife hand under right armpit to protect your side. Right fist moves over to left shoulder. Now snap a backfist out to the north and back to left shoulder.
Snap head to the northwest. C-step with left foot into a left front stance facing north. Switch left fist to right palm and make a wide horizontal counter-clockwise circle under tension ending at left side of belt, with torso facing northwest.
Extend left-fist-in-right-palm to the northwest under tension.
Snap head to the north. Bring right foot up next to left and pivot to face east, maintaining hand position and thrusting left elbow up to your left (north).
Now thrust right elbow to the south at solar plexus height.
Step back (south) with right foot into a horse stance facing east (but head still facing north). Slip right knife hand under left armpit to protect your side. Left fist moves over to right shoulder. Now snap a backfist out to the north and back to right shoulder.
Snap head to the northeast. C-step with right foot into a right front stance facing north. Switching right fist against left palm again, make a wide horizontal clockwise circle under tension ending at right side of belt, with torso facing northeast.
Extend right-fist-in-left-palm to the northeast under tension.
Snap head to the north. Bring left foot up next to right and pivot to face west, maintaining hand position and thrusting right elbow up to your right (north). Head facing north.
Now thrust left elbow to the south at solar plexus height. Head still facing north.
Step back (south) with left foot into a horse stance facing west (but head still facing north). Slip left knife hand under right armpit to protect your side. Right fist moves over to left shoulder. Now snap a backfist out to the north and back to left shoulder.
Slide right foot south and rotate your body to the right to end in a right cat stance facing north. Palms are open in a hi/lo block, left palm faces ceiling with arm in an outward block position, right palm faces floor with arm in a downward block position.
Execute right front snap kick and land by bringing right foot behind left, toes pointing east, and pivot on the ball of your left foot to end in a left cat stance facing north. Palms are open in a hi/lo block, right palm faces ceiling with arm in an outward block position, left palm faces floor with arm in a downward block position.
Execute left front snap kick and land by bringing left foot behind right to end in a right front stance facing north. Fists are in a double chamber.
Execute double reverse punches to your northern opponent's ribs. 1st keai point.
With arms still extended, open right palm then let both arms slowly rise. Complete 2 concentric circles ending with heel of left fist (fingers towards ceiling) meeting right palm (fingers pointing north, palm facing west) over your right knee with upper torso facing northeast.
C-step with right foot to the west ending in a right front stance facing west. Fists are in double chamber.
As the prior move was a fake, pivot to the left 90o on the balls of your feet ending in a left front stance facing south. Now execute double reverse punches to your southern opponent's ribs. 2nd keai point.
With arms still extended, open left palm then let both arms slowly rise. Complete 2 concentric circles ending with heel of right fist (fingers towards ceiling) meeting left palm (fingers pointing south, palm facing east) over your left knee with upper torso facing southeast.
Standing on left foot, bring right foot behind left knee, left fist in chamber, right arm in a high rise block (kata style). Body still faces south.
Pivot right 180o on the ball of your left foot (to north), bring right foot down in front of you landing in a right Sanshin stance (narrow front stance with toes pointing in & knees bent slightly to protect groin) and executing a hammer fist with the right hand.
Grab northern opponent's gi with right hand and pull him in while executing a left uppercut to the solar plexus. Right arm ends in a chamber.
Standing on right foot, bring left foot behind right knee, right fist in chamber, left arm in a high rise block (kata style). Body still faces north.
Pivot left 180o on the ball of your right foot (to south), bring left foot down in front of you landing in a left Sanshin stance and executing a hammer fist with the left hand.
Grab southern opponent's gi with left hand and pull him in while executing a right uppercut to the solar plexus. Left arm ends in a chamber.
C-step into a right Sanshin stance facing south bringing both arms into chamber, open palms facing up with thumb resting across them. Now move right palm in a counter-clockwise vertical circle across the front of your face and ending to the left of your obi (your pushing your opponent's head down).
Step with left foot placing in front of right and pivot 180o to the right ending in a right cat stance facing north. Arm position should be as if you're holding a big beach ball, left hand on top with fingers pointing east (hand slightly cupped) and right hand on bottom with fingers pointing west (hand slightly cupped).
Now switch hand positions by pivoting at the elbows and swinging forearms in counter-clockwise circles to end with right on top & left on bottom.
Retract hands (maintaining slight cups) to hi/lo chambers (left arm in standard chamber position, cupped palm facing forward with fingers down, right arm chambered high so that right hand is in front of right shoulder, cupped palm facing forward with fingers up).
Extend both of these "claws" forward under tension, maintaining a relative hi/lo position.
Step south with right foot behind left (which pivots on ball of foot) to end in a left cat stance facing north. Swing forearms in clockwise circles to end in the 'beach ball' position, left hand on top.
Retract hands to ho/lo chambers where left is high (in front of left shoulder) and right is low. Continue to maintain the slight cup.
Extend both of these "claws" forward under tension, maintaining a relative hi/lo position.
Bring left foot back into ready stance facing north, fists vertical, arms down & forward.
Bring right foot alongside left, hands at your sides. Bow.