Kata of S. Miyagi
taught by: Hanshi Bill DeClemente
Begin hands at sides, heels together, toes at 45o angles facing north. Bow.
Left hand chest high palm toward you, back of right hand (palm toward you) against left palm. Rotate inward at elbows pressing hands down, stopping in front of obi (this is called the ‘yoi’).
Place your right heel out comfortably to the northeast. Then quickly plant foot and shift stance to the west (left front) performing a highrise block (kata style) with left arm.
Step forward (west) into right front stance and execute a punch to the face with right fist.
Step back with right foot to a horse stance facing north covering up with left arm on top. (Block the chest by bringing arms tight to your chest, right arm lower and left arm higher so that left elbow rests on right wrist and left fist lays against right bicep. Forearms are both touching chest, one above the other).
Now execute an groin strike (hammer fist) with left arm to western opponent, bringing right arm to chamber.
Shift right foot south and twist 90o right into right front stance facing east and perform a highrise block (kata style) with right arm.
Step forward (east) into left front stance and execute a punch to the face with left fist.
Step back with left foot to a horse stance facing north covering up with right arm on top.
Now execute an groin strike (hammer fist) with right arm to eastern opponent, bringing left arm to chamber.
Step forward (north) into left front stance and cover up with left arm on bottom.
Now execute an outside middle block with lower (left) arm, bringing upper (right) arm to chamber.
Step forward into right front stance and cover up with right arm on bottom.
Now execute an outside middle block with lower (right) arm, bringing upper (left) arm to chamber.
Execute front snap kick with left foot, let left arm drop back behind torso. After slight pause, let foot land in left front stance.
As opponent falls forward, perform uppercut to opponent’s chin with vertical punch swinging up, right arm back to chamber. Then follow up with left elbow striking under opponent’s chin.
Rotate left forearm inward to punch at northern opponent’s throat.
Right reverse punch to northern opponent’s face, left arm back to chamber.
Bring right fist back to left breast as a chamber, then slide left foot southeast to right foot and twist body to face east as you perform right shuto chop to the neck of a southern opponent (eyes south).
Step south with left foot into left front stance and cover up with left arm on bottom.
Now execute an outside middle block with lower (left) arm, bringing upper (right) arm to chamber.
Execute front snap kick with right foot, let right arm drop back behind torso. After slight pause, let foot land in right front stance.
As opponent falls forward, perform uppercut to opponent’s chin with vertical punch swinging up, left arm back to chamber. Then follow up with right elbow striking under opponent’s chin.
Rotate right forearm inward to punch at southern opponent’s throat.
Left reverse punch to southern opponent’s face, right arm back to chamber.
Bring left fist back to right breast as a chamber, then slide right foot northeast to left foot and twist body to face west as you perform left shuto chop to the neck of a northern opponent (eyes north).
Step northwest with left foot into left front stance and cover up with right arm on bottom.
Now execute a double outside middle block with both arms to prevent opponent from grabbing onto you.
Bring both arms back to chamber then execute a double punch to the north, right fist performing a reverse punch to northern opponent’s face, left fist performing an inverted punch (fingers up) to the solar plexus.
Step up with right foot into a horse stance (still facing north) and cover up with left arm on bottom.
Now execute a double outside middle block with both arms to prevent opponent from grabbing onto you.
Bring both arms back to chamber as you step back with left foot into right front stance, then execute a double punch to the north, left fist performing a reverse punch to northern opponent’s face, right fist performing an inverted punch (fingers up) to the solar plexus.
Slide right foot back next to left and perform the ‘yoi’.
Hands at sides, facing north. Bow.