

    • Begin hands at sides, feet together facing north. Bow.

    • With open palms facing the floor, thumbs extended, form a triangle by placing left thumb tip over right and left index finger over right index fingernail. Hands at obi height.

    • Slowly raise arms rigidly. When outstretched arms allow you to see through the triangle formed by your hands, snap palms apart sharply to shoulder width, keeping palms open (facing north) and arms straight.

    • Continue arm motion down slowly again in outward crescents ending with palms up, left fingers below right fingers, with fingertips pointing towards the opposite wrists. Hands at obi height.

    • Bringing knee up high, step with left foot over right, coming down approx. 1 1/2' east of right foot. As knee comes up, hands rise (maintaining position) to neck height. As foot comes down, hands rotate (palms now facing floor) and you push hands down to solar plexus height under tension. Focus is still north.

    • Step out with right foot into horse stance with body facing north. Chamber left hand and bring right palm to focus position towards the east (palm facing north). Eyes are east.

    • Pivot upper torso towards east and execute an elbow strike with left elbow into right focus palm.

    • Rotate body back to north (still in horse stance) and place fists in a double right side chamber (right fist is in a low chamber on right side of belt, left fist is inverted with curled fingers of each hand resting against the other hand's heel {i.e.- left fist above right}).

    • Downward block toward north with left arm, right fist rising to a slightly higher chamber.

    • Hook punch with right fist ending with arm still in horizontal position out in front of chest (right fist horizontal). Left arm comes back to chamber.

    • Bringing knee up high, step with right foot over left coming down approx. 1 1/2' west of left foot. Arms should still be in position as after hook punch.

    • Step out with left foot into horse stance with body facing north. Cross forearms in front of chest and execute an outside block with right arm. Left arm back to chamber.

    • Execute a monkey punch with left arm (an uppercut towards north extended slightly farther then a typical uppercut. Right fist comes down to meet left bicep {appearing very close to an Italian salute!}).

    • Left arm executes a backfist to someone attacking from behind and to your left (left fist is about 1' west of left ear, knuckles to the south). Meanwhile, right fist executes a hammer strike down at your right side (to groin of opponent behind and to the right).

    • Execute a reinforced bridge-of-the-nose strike with left backfist. Right fist is below left elbow facing floor (left elbow rests on right knuckles).

    • With body still facing north, kick with left foot (arch) to the kneecap of opponent at northeast (left Achilles tendon is approx. 6" in front of right knee, foot horizontal, toes pointing north, sole facing east). Arms are still in same basic position (reinforced backfist) but pulled in slightly closer to body with forearm closer to vertical.

    • Bring left foot back to where it began (horse stance facing north) and execute a reinforced punch to the northwest. Left arm extends to the northwest like a reverse punch. Right fist remains 'glued' to left elbow.

    • With body still facing north, kick with right foot (arch) to the kneecap of opponent at northwest. Arms are back in reinforced backfist position pulled in close to body with forearm near to vertical.

    • Bring right foot back to where it began (horse stance facing north) and execute a reinforced punch to the northeast. Left arm extends to the northeast like a reverse punch. Right fist remains 'glued' to left elbow.

    • Pull fists back into a double right side chamber.

    • Execute a double knife hand strike to the west, left arm extended, right hand ending in front of left breast, both palms down with thumbs in tight. Eyes are towards west. Keai point.

    • Rotate left palm to face north in focus position bending elbow slightly. Right arm comes back to chamber. Eyes are west but torso still faces north.

    • Turn body towards west and execute an elbow strike with right elbow into left focus palm.

    • Rotate body back to north (still in horse stance) and place fists in a double left side chamber.

    • Downward block toward north with right arm, left fist rising to a slightly higher chamber.

    • Hook punch with left fist ending with arm still in horizontal position out in front of chest (left fist horizontal). Right arm comes back to chamber.

    • Bringing knee up high, step with left foot over right coming down approx. 1 1/2' east of right foot. Arms should still be in position as after hook punch.

    • Step out with right foot into horse stance with body facing north. Cross forearms in front of chest and execute an outside block with left arm. Right arm back to chamber.

    • Execute a monkey punch with right arm, left fist meeting right bicep.

    • Right arm executes a backfist to opponent attacking from behind and to your right, knuckles point south. Left fist executes a hammer strike to groin of opponent behind and to your left.

    • Execute a reinforced bridge-of-the-nose strike with right backfist. Left fist is below right elbow facing floor.

    • With body still facing north, kick with right foot (arch) to the kneecap of opponent at northwest. Arms are back in reinforced backfist position pulled in close to body with forearm near to vertical.

    • Bring right foot back to where it began (horse stance facing north) and execute a reinforced punch to the northeast. Right arm extends to the northeast like a reverse punch. Left fist remains 'glued' to right elbow.

    • With body still facing north, kick with left foot (arch) to the kneecap of opponent at northeast. Arms are still in same basic position (reinforced backfist) but pulled in slightly closer to body with forearm closer to vertical.

    • Bring left foot back to where it began (horse stance facing north) and execute a reinforced punch to the northwest. Right arm extends to the northwest like a reverse punch. Left fist remains 'glued' to right elbow.

    • Pull fists back into a double left side chamber.

    • Execute a double knife hand strike to the east, right arm extended, left hand ending in front of right breast, both palms down with thumbs in tight. Eyes are towards east. 2nd keai point.

    • Bring right foot back alongside left and bring arms back down to your sides. Bow.